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Lottery 02 January 2020
Earn A Living While Sitting On A Beach!
How To Become A Digital Nomad

What Are Digital Nomads?
Firstly, what exactly is a digital nomad? It's one of those slightly vague terms that seem to crop up more and more these days. A digital nomad is someone who makes money online while moving from location to location, basically the dream for anyone who loves travel.
By setting up streams of income that can be generated online from remote locations, the digital nomad is free to go wherever they want.
The principle is simple, becoming one is a little bit trickier… However, we have come up with a ten-step plan to follow if you are thinking of escaping from the 9-to-5 routine and becoming a digital nomad.
10 Top Tips on How to Become a Digital Nomad
If you are planning on making the change and becoming a digital nomad, we have ten useful tips to steer you in the right direction. Simply quitting your job and starting a blog is not going to get you anywhere except back on the job market in a hurry. Take our advice and lay the groundwork before you decide to take the plunge:
1. Identify Your Money-Making Skills
The first thing to do is to figure out which types of job are available to somebody who is working remotely. These days such a working arrangement is becoming more and more common, so it is just a case of seeing which of your skills match the requirements of potential employers. Writers and photographers can find plenty of freelance opportunities, although these are competitive fields. Programmers and website developers are sought-after jobs and some of the most common amongst digital nomads. Other popular options include customer support, SEO roles, marketing and language teaching.
2. Boost Your Qualifications
If your own skills don’t match the type of jobs listed above, or you want to boost your chances of landing regular work, it is a good idea to invest in your education. Get some qualifications which can set you apart from the competition and make your CV stand out in the crowd. Money spent on gaining internationally recognised qualifications and certificates can be repaid many times over once you start your career as a digital nomad.
3. Join Freelancer Sites
The next step to take is to join an online freelancer website, where you can connect with potential employers. There will be a lot of competition for roles from prospective workers from all over the world, so try to make sure that you are offering something special. Be prepared to provide examples of your work and start off by accepting roles at a low rate. As you gain more experience you will have a greater portfolio of work and satisfied clients, and will be able to charge more for your services.
4. Create Your Own Site
A good way to advertise your services is by creating your own blog or website. Even complete newbies with no technical expertise will be able to do this. Some research will be required but there are plenty of Youtube videos out there which will take you through the process step-by-step. You will need to buy a domain name, but these are also relatively cheap and using a platform like Wordpress can allow you to create a high-quality site. This can also be used as a source of passive income if you manage to build up a large audience, as you can earn revenue by advertising on your site.
5. Get Saving
Before taking the plunge and packing in the 9-to-5, it is a good idea to save up a decent-sized fund to use in case of emergencies. Every freelancer experiences periods when work is less regularly available, so a fund like this will get you through any dry spells or should a major expense arrive. Try to cut down on expenses and unnecessary outgoings so as to build up a good amount of savings in your account. Aim for a sum of at least £3,000 before you embark on any overseas adventures to far-flung lands.
6. Make Plans & Set Goals
Once you have decided on your chosen field and built up a portfolio of work and clients, you should start planning how to go full-time as a digital nomad. Sit down and write out a plan of what you hope to achieve. Investigate your chosen destination and the cost of living you can expect. How much money will you need to earn per month in order to keep yourself afloat, and how much time per day will you need to spend working? Give yourself a timeframe within which to meet your targets, and to find out whether what you have planned will be manageable in reality.
7. Connect with Other Digital Nomads
The internet allows you the opportunity to connect with other digital workers, and this can be a lifeline. You can get in touch with people working in the same field or the same part of the world. Get hints about the best places to work and how much you can expect to earn as a digital nomad. Plus connecting with groups on social media like Facebook can provide the opportunity for social meetups, as working as a solo freelancer can be lonely at times.
8. Unlock Your Phone
One simple tip if you plan to travel a lot is to make sure that your phone is unlocked. That way you can pick up sim cards from wherever you are in the world to make sure that you always stay connected. Your digital devices are your gateway to the world of online freelance working, and it is important to always be available.
9. Invest in a Mobile Hotspot
In the same vein, investing in a mobile hot spot is a great way to make sure that you are never off the grid. A mobile hotspot allows you to access the internet via your devices no matter where you are in the world, or how remote your location. This can prevent you from losing out on those all-important jobs, as potential employers will expect you to be available and contactable on a regular basis.
10. Get Your Documents In Order
A final step is to make a checklist of all your important documents before you venture out into the big, wide world. Passport, driving license, bank accounts, PayPal or other electronic wallets, visas and insurance are all crucial documents to remember. Check those expiry dates too so that you are not caught out.
Follow our tips and you will be ready to spread your wings and take flight as a digital nomad!
Where To Live as a Digital Nomad
Choosing where to travel to, and where to live is a huge question for all digital nomads. Many opt to spend the majority of time in Latin America, Eastern Europe or Asia, because the cost of living is so much cheaper.
In some of these places you can live for under £500 a month, and live well. In Western Europe or America that kind of money would probably cover your grocery bills and the cost of a tent.
Whether you plan to travel the globe or stay closer to home, a solid plan and a strict budget will soon enable you to see whether you will be able to make your digital nomad dreams come true.
What Are The Challenges?
I have some bad news: there are millions of travel blogs out there and the market is very saturated, meaning you'll need to spend a lot of thankless hours chipping away to forge a niche in this market, and even then it's unlikely that you'll ever make big money out of it.
That doesn't mean it's time to flush your travel blogging dreams down the drain, just don't expect to launch and book a one-way ticket to paradise.
Instead, it's better to focus your writing skills on more lucrative stuff, like SEO, marketing or even social media. If you're bilingual then translating copy is always a valuable skill.
Aside from the financial challenge, there are a lot of unglamorous issues that globe trotters are faced with. If you're on the move a lot you're going to need to ensure you've insured both yourself and your handful of possessions.
Nothing will put the brakes on your nomadic lifestyle like a hefty hospital bill in a strange land, or finding someone has rudely relieved you of your laptop, tablet and smartphone while you're sleeping off that jetlag. That's why we recommend that you build up a fund of available cash just in case an emergency should arise.
Hopefully, this article has provided you with some inspiration, as well as some practical advice. While there will certainly be obstacles to overcome, millions of people around the world enjoy the freedom and ability to travel that the life of a digital nomad has to offer. And no matter where you go, Lottoland will always be available if you fancy a little bet to see if you can supplement your income even further!
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