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News & Updates 17 August 2017
How to Keep Calm and Carry On!
Discover 9 Guaranteed Ways to Keep Calm

Anger, nervousness, stress or even anxiety – these are emotions which each one of us must battle against from time to time. When under pressure we can’t concentrate, make mistakes, react inadequately and irritably. We are hysterical, panicky and angst-ridden. So, how can we fight these symptoms of stress and calm mind and body?
9 Tricks to Help You to Calm Down
How do you calm down when your emotions and body start to feel stressed? Different situations require different relaxation techniques. If something has gone awry, you will need an immediate calming. If you have been agitated for a long time, relaxing and relaxing techniques can be done whenever you have time, even if you are not currently exposed to any direct stress. Learn guaranteed tricks to help calm your mind and body.
1. Concentrate on your breathing
One of the most effective techniques for instant relaxation is controlled breathing. Breathing techniques are recommended by doctors, psychologists and yoga masters. How does a breathing exercise work? Find a quiet place, close your eyes, let go of any thoughts and concentrate your attention solely on breathing. Be conscious of every breath, from the beginning to the end. It is important that you hold your back upright and relax at the same time. Breathe slowly and deeply. Count down how long you are breathing and how much you exhale. Both lifestyles and exertion should last as long as possible. You can start with a 4-times tune-up period and 4 times for exhale, then resume breathing for 5 or more times. Repeat this cycle at least ten times. The rule is that breathing should be natural and pleasant. This and other breathing exercises will help you not only with immediate calming, but also with long-term stress or fatigue.
2. Focus on the moment
When you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out by life, your thoughts can easily become irrational. For that reason it’s good to take a deep breath, focus on the moment and observe things around you. Becoming aware of the world around you will help you start thinking rationally and to get rid of excessive anger, fear or anxiety. Grounding yourself in the present moment takes your attention away from worries about the future or regrets about the past. If you focus only on your surroundings, where you are now and what you are seeing, you will feel like the world has stopped for a little while. This gives you time to think and re-evaluate your current situation. It will be much easier for you to create a constructive plan and the sense of panic will diminish.
3. Have a cup of tea
Use the soothing effects of selected herbs to make a cup of warm tea! The very best options are passionflower, kava, chamomile or valerian. Carefully read the information on the packaging to make sure you are taking the right amount and leaving to brew for the correct length of time. Can’t locate those specific herbal teas? It may not matter too much, because according to many experts, the act of making and drinking a warm tea is soothing in and of itself, so why not go for your favourite green, black or fruit tea. If you are going through an frustrating situation, feel stressed or wound up, just take a short break and make a fragrant tea. Let the pleasant aroma go to work, close your eyes and sip slowly, relishing every single mouthful. Honey has been shown to have soothing effects, so you may wish to add a spoonful instead of sugar. Taking time out from the stresses of life to make and drink a relaxing cup of tea really can act as a soothing oasis.
4. Get rid of anger and stress with sport
Another guaranteed way to calm down is to unleash your inner sport-star. Exercise reduces the level of stress hormones in the body, such as adrenaline and cortisol. At the same time, it stimulates the production of hormones of happiness, like endorphin, dopamine, serotonin or oxytocin, which naturally fight pain and affect the mood of a person. Playing a sport is also a great way to clear your thoughts, as it’s difficult to focus on anything except returning that serve or making the shot. After playing sports, you will feel comfortable, relaxed, and generally chilled out. Which sport to play depends on your preferences. All kinds of sports will help, whether they are individual or team sports, aggressive or relaxing. Additionally, after playing sports you find it easier to fall asleep, your physique will improve and your outlook in general will improve.
5. Try aromatherapy
In order to practice aromatherapy, you will need to get your hands on essential oils containing concentrated active ingredients and an aroma lamp. Add a few drops of oil to the water in the lamp, and the flame of the candle gradually release the fragrances into the air. Well-chosen essential oils can soothe and inspire pleasant feelings - especially lavender oil, mandarin, orange, chamomile, exotic ylang ylang and others. For a more intense experience, add a few drops of oil to the bath. To find out more about the effects and use of individual oils, it is advisable to consult with an aromatherapy specialist.
6. Take life with a pinch of humour
I’m sure that everybody is familiar with the expression ‘laughter is the best medicine’, and there seems to be more than a grain of truth in the phrase. Laughter can remove stress and lighten your mood. It helps overcome pain, builds stronger immunity, and makes life more beautiful. Good laughter also improves social ties because humour frees up every conversation. If you feel the mood of a social occasion is souring, try to relieve the atmosphere with an appropriate joke. Of course, not all of us are natural comedians, so memorise a couple of jokes for moments such as this. You will see how the mood lightens and the atmosphere will change for the better. Try to look at your current situation with humour, it might just help to improve your viewpoint and give you a more positive aspect. A positive frame of mind can also bring new ideas to the table and enable you to get around a difficult situation or problem.
7. Rejuvenate your muscles
Listen to your body! We have already mentioned the positive effects which breathing exercises can have, and muscle relaxation is another way that the physical impacts on your mental state. Of course, one way to relax your muscles is to have a massage, but that may not be possible for everybody. Passive relaxation is something that everyone can do, as you just need to lie down on the mat in a quiet room. It is important that there are no distractions to interrupt you, so switch off your phone or leave it in the other room. Once you have gotten into a comfortable position, start concentrating on your breathing. Imagine all the tension and stress slowly leaving your body. Pay attention to every part of your body. Research has shown that muscle relaxation soothes the mind and encourages a positive approach to life.
8. The relaxing effects of Music
Music has been found to have relaxing effects, but not just the restful violin concertos you might expect. It turns out that even blasting out your favourite Norwegian death metal can act as a stress-buster! Listening to music rejuvenates mind and body. Slow, silent music has a beneficial effect on physiological functions, as it slows the pulse rate and also reduces blood pressure and stress hormone levels. Soft, slow music can also help us to get off to sleep. Speedy and faster music will help you to unleash your emotions and energy. Likewise, singing, (even into a hairbrush!), is a great way to relieve tension and stress. If you are able to play a musical instrument then this is an added bonus, as this actively engages different areas of the brain rather than those focused on problems at home or at work. Composing music and writing lyrics fills the brain and body with creative energy, helping to reduce stress while transferring emotions and feelings to a new musical work.
9. Find yourself in nature
Living in nature has a positive impact on humans for a variety of reasons. Whether walking along the river, in the woods or hiking in the mountains, the activity provides an escape from the worries and concerns of everyday life. When you put down all of your mobiles, tablets, and computers that are spreading new and new duties, you will see life from another angle. There is a different world ahead of you, the real one you can touch and the smell of which you can feel in the cells. Staying in the sun will give you not only a good mood and a sense of well-being, but also vitamin D, needed for the proper functioning of the body. Your stress and negative tune will be overcome by a miracle, mind relaxed from negative thoughts, fresh air opens your lungs, an oxygenated heart, and a whole stay in nature brings good feelings of happiness.
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